Last Friday, January 29, 2010, a "Black Meeting" was held at the St. Rita College gym in Parañaque. This meeting was primarily initiated with urgency to run after time as it is just a matter of time that the Board of Trustees of the Augustinian Recollect Congregation where our dear St. Rita College belongs to would finally seal the decision to the close the school.
The meeting began with a prayer led by the batch 85 president followed by the reading of the gospel. Everyone was given time to voice his/her opinion about the closure. Some related fond memories with tears; some speakers moved others to tears. The atmosphere was very sad. There was clearly the feeling of parting. St.Rita College management had already submitted to DepEd (Department of Education) their intention to close down by the end of the school year on March 2010.
The sister's convent, the orphanage and the St. Rita chapel will remain open.
The reason for closing -the school had began to suffer losses since late 90's. Last year, the total revenue of the school totaled P9 million and the expenses at roughly P18 million. I'm one of those sad Alumnus to know that our high school Alma Matter is closing!